The Dark Knight Rises Afterthought (Full Blatant Spoiler If U Haven’t Watch It)

Too much character to told?

So, after watch The Dark Knight Rises again, I realize something that’s been bothering me. The first is the happy ending. Something that is rare in Batman story, OK the Batman Begin has happy ending but that is only the beginning, The Dark Knight has a very Batman ending, where there’s a hefty price to pay for “victory”, even in the DC “mega-event” Final Crisis Batman finally break his no-gun policy & commits a murder to DC most notorious & strongest super villain Darkseid (he killed him with a “magic bullet”) but to get the happy end Batman paid with his life (he presumably killed by Darkseid omega beam (powerful enough to knock off/kill Superman & Doomsday) but in reality he is cursed to live his life to face failure again & again from ancient time till modern days where his existence will become anomaly & create interference & crashing time continuum & existence in the end. Confuse? This is DC crap just so you know he he). And that’s why The Dark Knight Rises is kinda weird, as if Bruce Wayne is having happy end like some cowboy walking down toward the setting sun with the girl he loves.

It’s not I against the happy ending, what confuse me it’s the fact that Batman leaving Gotham in pursuit of happiness with Catwoman. One thing that every Batman reader will know is that Bruce giving everything, anything for Gotham, including his life. So knowing that in the end of The Dark Knight Rises that Bruce lead a new life with new identity outside of Gotham is really..unthinkable (which is good though). Maybe if he stays in Gotham & train Robin John Blake, it will make this more interesting. I mean, Blake is terribly a rookie, yes he grew distasteful of using gun & have some sort of detective capability, but to him to become Batman is well, need years to learn I guess.

Oh, one more thing, the people right next to me swears that he saw Batman eject from The Bat before the bomb explode. I can’t account that for some fact but it is proving that Batman did survive the blast.

Another one that kinda weird is, the appearance of Thalia, I know its an

Thalia dropped his balls

awesome twist at the end of the movie but her role is diminished Bane credibility that he is an opponent to be reckon with, not only physically but also mentally & strategically (he is Batman 2.0 after all, at least for most of the movie). Thalia existence made Bane nothing but a henchman (boo!!!!). Also, to make it worse, Thalia & Bane ending is not..I don’t know, proper maybe I guess. I mean, they are the villain in this story but how they die is well, ridiculous? Thalia died in car accident, Bane shot by Batpod (cool actually).

And come to think of it, the victory in The Dark Knight Rises is also shallow in some way. In The Dark Knight, people of Gotham proves to Joker that not everyone is bad, they refuse to blew the bomb on other ship, thus proves Joker was wrong when he said that when all the chips are down, everyman for himself, that we stop looking for the monster under the bad cuz the monster is inside us from the beginning. What about The Dark Knight Rises? Bane proves that the gap between the rich & poor is so severe that people of Gotham raid rich people house, killed them (through court first though), exiled them, bottom-line, the destruction is so severe, so worst that I don’t know how to fix it.

I mean really, it’s like some sort of Deus Ex Machina where somehow Gotham city is going the way it used to be (which is a time bomb where the gap between the rich & poor is an imminent threat). Lets be realistic, Bane wana start a revolution, even if he manage only halfway, the damage been done, at least we should be tell how people of Gotham will view others in manner of dog eat dog. Our neighbor is a threat thing. But in the end it’s just like nothing ever happened between them, just shake hand & forget? Also about Gotham finest, the cop, when they go into all out war, what do they exactly protect & serve? The people of Gotham who clearly choose revolution? Are they standing for status quo (where the gap is an imminent threat)?

Oh, & most people will dislike this movie cuz it’s theme that very politic. Believe it or not, this is a story bout politic that borderline real with terrorist issue (Bane & League of Shadow), economy (bane occupied Gotham’s Walstreet & the gap between the rich & the poor), what happened when people given freedom when they are not ready (chaos). Don’t know if Nolan had some agenda to criticize American policy?

Occupy Wallstreet, Bane style

He he, I don’t know if this obsession or what, but despite all the things I complaints, this movie is still one hell of a movie. Worth to watch & one of the best trilogy of our time (comic fan all over the world). I think the only way to keep this franchise run is to reboot again he he. Even if Nolan did leave some progress to the story, such as Robin as the next Batman, I doubt anyone dares to make a sequel to this Batman. I think any attempt whatsoever will defile the story or considered to be an act of blasphemy he he.

I think I’m gonna watch it again for the third time, I kinda dig the way Bane talks. I don’t care if this move won’t be nominated in Oscar, unlike Heat Ledger performance on The Dark Knight but this movie is more epic than Gladiator, Titanic or any other Oscar crap!

The Dark Knight Rises Review, Spoiler Contained Though

Epic I guess most suitable for this scene he he

It took me a while to write a review since I wanna give some time to review the movie for what it is (just like a good wine that can’t be forced to mature), also I have this angry sentiment to that stupid guy who rampaging the film premiere at Colorado, and also I have a problem with my girlfriend he he. Tell U upfront that this review containing some spoiler he he.

So, to open it, I’d say this, this movie is ambitious & epic, in the scale or story

Remember this horror?

telling department. Under the pressure of surpassing everyone expectation of The Dark Knight (R.I.P. Heath, you are the best Joker so far), Christopher Nolan in someway manage to create a story that didn’t suck but also compelling also close the trilogy perfectly (He always said that his Batman will be a trilogy & he won’t make another one). Did U ever heard the children complains that the fight scene in Nolan’s movie is not “exciting” (cuz he tried to make it realistic) but in this movie U will see an “awesome” fighting choreography since Bane is treated in the right way, unlike in that horror called “Batman & Robin” that literally killed Batman franchise before Nolan revived it with “Batman Begin”.

Cuz this is closing to the trilogy, it will be helpful if U watch the previous movie & will be amazed by the way Nolan crafted the story. The only loophole is the fact that he didn’t tell what ever happened to Joker (Oh, it is funny to know that Scarecrow or Jonathan Crane is always appeared in Nolan movie). I mean. The only loophole in the The Dark Knight is Nolan never explained the origin of Joker, but since he is the embodiment of chaos, crazy & insane, we all just terrified or excited just to see he is there, that’s it, period (and Heath Ledger plays him perfectly even my friend said the movie should called The Joker instead of The Dark Knight). Also in this movie we were never told what happened to Joker (Booo!!!).

This iconic scene is included in the movie

So, what about the origin of Bane? Nolan tells a very compelling story about Bane (with a twist in the end of the story). Since I believed what makes a hero exciting is his adversary, his enemy. Bane filled the shoe just right as every comic fan-boy will know, Bane is feared in the underworld cuz he is the man who broke the bat (makes Bruce retired for awhile & gave his mantle to Azrael). If Joker is crazy, impulsive & cannot be predicted, Bane is cunning, details, & in every aspect he is a “better” version of Batman (especially since he can’t feel pain due to his accident), so to sum it, Joker is the opposite of Batman while Bane is Batman 2.0. but somehow Bane is not as compelling as Joker (even though he is portrayed in such a good manner, a perfect killing machine).

This movie is a combination of 3 major story arc in Batman story, The Dark Knight returns (where Batman come back from his retirement), The Knight fall (where Bane defeated Batman), also No Man’s Land (where Gotham became separated from the world and become lawless city) crafted into a good single story. At first I thought that some character like John Blake (played by Joseph Gordon Levitt) or Miranda Tate (by Marion Cotillard) will be just another Rachel Dawes (only there for the sake of the story without give any lasting impact to the story development) but boy I glad I was wrong. Nolan really knows how to cast an actor/actress. I admit that the story is better than The Dark Knight due to the fact that every character told beautifully, but somehow the bar still set by The Dark Knight somehow, probably cuz the “Ooomph” factor that every time Joker came we feel something gonna happens now, but with Bane, since he is a very logic person we know what will happens (though sometimes we don’t but it didn’t have the same surprise element as Joker).

Besides the fact that some people will prefer the 2ndmovie, The Dark Knight


Rises still one hell of a movie. It got awesome fight scene (even an all out war scene), good character (though I still wonder even though Christian Bale is the best Batman so far, he always outshined by other character, especially the villain, Anne Hathaway also one hell of Cat woman, sexy & sophisticated, don’t forget Talia Al Ghul that everyone forget but made awesome splash in the end), also has some sense of fulfillment knowing the full circle has fulfilled (Batman Begins= the beginning, The Dark Knight=the fall, The Dark Knight Rises=the end).

Fun fact, Nolan said that he don’t want Robin character cuz it will make his story not real or believable (a child in war against criminal is a stupid idea, also the creation of Robin is to tame Batman violence story & makes the story is relatable to kids) but surprise-surprise, Robin existed as original character (not Dick Grayson or Tim Drake & definitely not Damian Wayne), guess the pressure of studio to maintain the successful franchise he he. But I guess he will be the next Batman (so in some way he is also Nolan version of Terry McGinis).

So, my review for this movie is that if in scale 1 to 10 The Dark Knight is 20 (exaggerated I know but I enjoys every second of that movie, every quote, everything), The Dark Knight Rises is a 10. Reached it expectation but not exceeded it. Once again Batman is showing that he is the pinnacle of super hero movie (even makes Marvel movie only “Good but not as good as Batman). One hell of a movie!!!!

Biggest Mistake? Really? Is Square-Enix is Out of Their Mind?

“We have Sony and Microsoft talking about this generation lasting seven, eight, nine or even 10 years and it’s the biggest mistake they’ve ever made,”

Julien Merceron- Square Enix’s worldwide technology director

 Probably just my gamer side, which is hidden for a long time finally showed up out of nowhere, though its not actually out of nowhere since what I about to write will provoke much of console gamer. A statement by Square Enix’s worldwide technology director, Julien Merceron that said the length of the current console generation is “the biggest mistake [Sony and Microsoft] ever made”.

Really? I mean, isn’t that what’s draw the difference between console & PC? The

This was once considered as best graphic

length or the lasting years of console is what are drawing gamer into console, besides some exclusive game. With nowadays standard, console price ain’t cheap, so of course we were happy if some console can last for more than 5 years. Well, history told us that in the beginning, PC was created only for sole purpose of works, so they didn’t support kick @$$ graphic processor (Macintosh is a different story though) & console gaming such as Atari 2600, Nintendo & other created specifically for gaming purpose so they are supported by graphic processor. But as time goes by we’ll see that PC is used not only for works but also video & audio & since the parts can be replaced easily, PC is leaving console in processor racing.

I mean, since Microsoft joined the console war, what I fear is came true. It’s the war on raw power that defines the era, well to be honest since Sony Playstation joined the bandwagon I also fear that video game will become a profit oriented industry & the “magic” will be lost. Nowadays video game is not the niche market it once thought it would be, it’s a big industry and everyone wanna take a bite in it. Video game is an industry that is on a par with or even bigger than movie industry.

The other thing that scares me when Sony & Microsoft joined the freak show is that it turned the console wars that once dominated by SEGA & Nintendo with its game-wars into a raw power or who’s got the best raw power in processor or something. When Sony first came at least it pushed 3D & still left some break-through in gaming industry (they still have some quirky games like Parappa the Rapper, “Tail of the Sun, etc) but when Microsoft came I wonder what differentiate console & PC games? Well X box still has some quirky games but what makes them so big is the genre that I hate the most, FPS. It’s not I hate it or something, its just that it genre makes all of them are identical so the only difference is the graphic getting better, the landscape is getting wider & the effect is more awesome, to sum it all that its kinda like style without substance (though it is not but I fed up since I already played this genre since Castle Wolfenstein era).

I feel I played this game before…oh yeah, like any OTHER FPS!!!

Look at the state of gaming now, the most selling title is FPS like Halo, Call of Duty, non exclusive games, which also available in PC. Of course from technical specification console is beaten by PC, since PC can be upgraded like every time U wants to, that is the biggest point that makes me decides to be console gamer, I don’t need to suits the specification in order to play some game, the game suits the console. Period.

PS2 Got Snake. HAH!

To console defense, the limitation is what makes the developer creative & pushing console to its maximum capability. Remember when Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater or Final Fantasy XII release that it shocked gaming community knowing that Playstation 2 still can compete with superior graphic processor such as X Box & even PC (at that time). Even if we take a look back, the winner of console war post 128 bit era is Nintendo Wii (with its back dated graphic, par with Nintendo Gamecube), not the superior Playstation 3 or X Box 360. Or when Playstation sets the standard on RPG in 197 with Final Fantasy VII (which some considered as the best in the series), the biggest selling game is Pokemon on Gameboy.

It’s sad knowing that everyone said that the only reason to play console is

Looks stupid he he

gimmick such as Microsoft Kinect or Playstation Move (Japanese or Asian people ingenuity I guess he he). Then Square-Enix the once supporter & console exclusive moves to PC, mobile phone gaming saying that the biggest mistake Sony & Microsoft or in this case, console is the length of the machine/console. I mean, Square-Enix once proves that console limitation is not an issue to create great game. They proves it when Final Fantasy XII or Valkyrie Profile Silmeria that despite the aging console (the game released circa 2007-2008) it still a beautiful graphic on any console or PC (at that time).

Know everyone said that console gaming will be extinct, even David Jaffe (the guy who creates God of War series & one of the many people who I worshiped as God) said that. The future of gaming is non console, a PC with cloud as infrastructure. You don’t need a high tech machine, just internet connection. But then again, I also has this rant for internet gaming, I think it will kill the gaming industry. Why or ho? Simple cuz internet gaming such as, Everquest, Counter Strike (FPS!!!!), etc is only needs a patch to make the gaming better or different, thus people won’t buy new game, they just played that one game, patch it. Over & over & over again. Kinda kills the creativity for creating new genre though.

I guess I finally know why I’m not a gamer anymore. I lost the “fire” the enthusiast for gaming. I used to jumping like crazy when a new RPG released but now, too many game on the market? Too many good games? Hell, am I a dying species who still playing console just for the sake of playing game (PC is using for many things such as watching DVD, office, etc) or am I the only one who hates Square-Enix just for the fact that they said that console length is the biggest mistake of them all? Hell, all I could do is dusting of my Genesis, Playstation & Playstation 2 & playing good games. Hell!!! Good games is good games, period. That’s what makes the industry, not the stupid specification! Square-Enix is out of their f%#ing mind!

The Amazing Spiderman, Worthy of Thy Name?

Some people keep tattoo, this keeps scars he he

First thing that comes through my mind when I heard that Sony is making a reboot of Spiderman is “Do we really need a reboot?” I mean, yes, I against the fact that Tobey McGuire as Peter Parker (I think he is too emo or whiny ha ha & not as smart mouth as Peter that we used to read in comic) but for what its worth, Sam Raimi’s Spiderman trilogy is a decent movie (not ground breaking or awesome as other Marvel movie such as Avenger, Hulk, etc but still enjoyable). Sure some said that the third movie dropped the ball, while the first is OK & 2nd is good but it’s not the same catastrophe as batman & Robin that technically killed Batman franchise (asks about Bat-nipple from the avid fans & U will hears unbelievable rant he he) thus a reboot is a must (& Nolan did a really good job reviving the franchise).

So, without knowing what to expect I watch this movie & surprise-surprise, I ended up like this movie. So, lets breakdown this movie into two parts, likes & dislikes. Start with what I likes from this movie:


01. Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker & Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy.

Like I said before, its not like Tobey McGuire is bad, but there are things that I don’t like such as he is to whiny, his body too buff or bulky & the major part for me, he ain’t smart mouth enough as Peter (check the comic to see how annoying Peter in mocking, dissing, humiliating his opponent) that’s where Andrew fits the role, he have good body but still looks slim, his not whiny despite everything that happens to him. Emma Stone did a good job as Gwen, yes Gwen character appear in the third movie but did nothing ut a cameo ha ha. People need to know that Gwen defines Peter as Spiderman in his early year. The chemistry between them is “awesome” & believable. I smiled when I saw those two awkward moments. So sweet he he.

02. Comic authenticity

As a reboot it takes the early career or Peter, I high school which is good cuz what makes Spidey very likeable is the fact that we can see how awkward teenage figuring his super power. Oh, & its Gwen Stacy not Mary Jane (M.J.) this time. Spoiler warning avoids read next sentences if U didn’t wanna spoil further story development. Gwen as a character is arguably Peter first love, even after he met M.J. & the turning point of his life is when Gwen is dead (killed by Green Goblin in Marvel 616 universe or by Carnage in Marvel Ultimate universe) that Peter learns the price he has to pay for his action.

Oh, & Peter gain his power exactly like in comic, no organic web shot through

Mutation gone wrong

his arms, he using a tool (it shows how genius he is). In comic he later gain his ability to shot web in organic way but after some phase. This is logic cuz if he can shoot organic web, why it came from his arms? It would be more logic to shot from his mouth, his nose or even form his @$$ he he. And if his enemy became lizard like, why Peter didn’t? Smart move is U asks me (to look how bad his mutation can be, check Man-Spider image on the left to see where wrong can his mutation be he he).

03. Teenage Angst

This reboot takes the story in a very realistic way, U know the quote “With great power comes great responsibility” but in this movie that line didn’t appear but somehow is transformed into moral obligation that Peter had to share the world of his gift. The dialogue is good like when Peter had an argument with Uncle Ben about how reckless & irresponsible Peter is compared to his father, they shout “How dare U talks something like that about your father!” which Peter replied “How dare me? How dare him! Where is he now? Am I not his obligation, he abandoned me!” & others dialogue, this is teenage angst at its best that tells us that this is real character that we can all relate to.

Can U feel the love tonight….I could he he

Oh, I did mention Peter & Gwen chemistry; I love how speechless they are when they tried to confess their feelings. Or how Peter stood up & having argument with Gwen’s dad regarding his action as Spiderman (that Gwen’s dad categorized as vigilante, reckless, & against the law). This is where the movie shines, Marc Webbs (director of (500) Days of Summer) really hits the romantic scene right on the spot.

Even Flash Thompson, the bully that made Peter life miserable but also Spiderman biggest fan portrayed  in realistic way, like when he shows his condolences to Peter when Uncle Ben died. It shows that if this film continued far beyond this franchise, we can understand that he is (spoiler WARNING) a very likely candidate to become Venom, the good venom that is he he.

04. Fight & maneuver

The first Spiderman movie fight scenes is OK but not awesome, the second is good (love the way Peter fights Doc Oc), the third is well, MEH (they got Venom, Sand-Man but somehow still sucks, only the fight with Harry that good enough). Now amazing Spiderman fight scene is good for two reason, it’s parkour reference & the fact that Peter fights like he don’t know how to fight (he just jumping, stomping & punching he he). The way the camera moves also add the “wow” department.

05. Stan Lee’s cameo

If U are an avid comic fan, U will realize that Stan Lee’s is doing lots of cameo in Marvel movie, such as Cop in Spiderman 2, Random guy who accidentally drink Hulk’s blood, etc. I won’t spoil it to U but his cameo in this movie is the best so far ha ha ha (I can’t stop laughing ^_^) watch it for yourself, U owe it to yourself!

06. How fragile Spidey is

In most movie, the superheroes usually is immune to pain unless its inflicted by main villain. Not in Spidey, he is flesh & blood just like us, only a little powered up by super power. He can be hurt (he injured & bruised after each “adventure” just like Batman).

07. Spidey new costume

Yes I don’t like it at first, I even hates it more when see the figure but watch it in

Bitch, I’m fabulous!

movie, I kinda dig it he he. I love how Peter made the costume, the eye glasses, the pattern. Cool he he. I don’t know, they never made the whole custome in one shot.

It grows on me somehow, I don’t know, kinda cool & Andrew wears it perfectly I guess.


01. Did we need a reboot?

Like I said before, a reboot is not necessary, unless Marvel manage to snatch their property right form other studio like when they manage to get back Hulk (the first movie directed by Ang Lee but not good enough for us, too many drama he he) & gie the Incredible Hulk a treatment he deserves in the first place. This reboot still Sony’s way to gain profit from tired franchise (though they manage to revive it beautifully)

02. Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker & Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy

Well, despite they perform very well, their attempt to look like a teenager is kinda failed a little since we can tell that they are too old (it makes more sense if they are college student). Sorry but I have to say it. I mean, Andrew is as old as me 28 years, even if people think I’m younger, still they thought I’m a college student not high school and I don’t use make up or touch up he he.

02. Spidey new costume

After think about it, I don’t like the new costume he he.


03. The Lizard as the enemy

Peek-a-bo I see U

Sometimes, what makes a hero great is the villain (like Batman with his awesome villains line up) & that’s where The Lizard lacks. He is not as deadly as Venom, Green Goblin or sinister six. I don’t know why, but a naked lizard running around isn’t as scary as having let’s say Doctor Octopus or Sand-Man. Marvel did great job with Iron Man (the first one where the enemy is not a major concern), yes the 2nd movie kinda flopped but still good though. But to know that The Lizard have so much relation with Peter is kinda a downer.

Conclusion, actually we don’t need another reboot but this movie is a superior version of the previous one so I guess sure, why not. It’s fresh, fun & though not “amazing” it’s a good movie nonetheless. The likes is way more than dislikes, what is not to like? Weird sentence I know ^_^. Honestly, for the love of the f*#in God, let Marvel get their rights on Spiderman, Fantastic Four, Wolverine or any other franchise that were sold to another studio so Marvel can treat their baby the “right way” & we can have cross-over like Avenger vs. X Men or something like that.

Things I Learn From Watching Too Much Scary Movie

Well, I love scary movie, though it’s not my favorite genre but I have a fair moment with it. Fair enough that it inspired me to write this stupid post he he. Well, there are certain rules in scary movie (includes in this category beside ghost movie is slasher, gory, thriller, etc bottom idea, if it gives U Goosebumps, it is in this category) that always applied in this peculiar type of movie, or to be exact, this is the list of something that I learn from watching too much of scary movie, such as :

1.      We can tell the state of prosperity of one country, also it’s culture

What does it mean by that? Well, if one country is prosperous, U can see from

Dead but still rich & pimpin’

how the ghost or monster looks like. In western country where the economic usually prosperous (lets forget that nowadays they, such as Greece, Spain even USA are hit by economic crisis) the monster usually looks slick, tidy, majestic or even God-like. Like vampire who lives in castle & charms girls or celestial beast like Unicorn. But in most country with low level of prosperity, or even in remote part of civilization, the monster usually…monster-like (weird sentence I know). Such as Sasquatch/Bigfoot, Aswang (Philippine’s vampire) or in Indonesia (we still a poor country I admit) where the ghost or monster is ugly such as Pocong, Kuntil Anak, etc.

We also could see the culture of one country from the monster, why? Cuz monster usually is a deceased person or creature that taking form of a deceased person. In western where the person buried in tidy suit (tuxedo, gown, etc) so when they “back to life” they still look good (e.g. Vampire) but in Indonesia where the majority of religion is Moslem, the deceased is wrapped/shrouded in kapan/kaffan so there are ghost such as pocong (it still roams in jumping way since they were wrapped/shrouded) or Kyon shi in china (Chinese vampire) where they wear traditional cloth. The more gruesome the culture treats the deceased, the uglier the monster will be, like zombie in Africa that came back to life with what’s left of the deceased (usually the corps are bitten by animal, or any gruesome death).

2.      Theory that we all descendant from Adam & Eve might be true

If U are atheist or scientology worshiper, the idea that we came from one source, Adam & Eve is kinda absurd (our African brother with black skin is having weird mutation while the western mutate with white skin while Asian mutated with little figure & slanting eyes) or how come we have different language or maybe how come we have different God/faith. But if U think about it, there’s a possibility that it might be true. From linguistic point of view, what makes we talk different probably is the accent that somehow effect almost every part of language (pronounce, etc) but there are still some resemblance like Azuri (Italy) & Ozora (Japan) which means blue sky. Or Check mate that came from Arabic word Shah Mat which means the king is dead. There’s a possibility that we came from one descendant.

From scary movie point of view, we all have same monster/ghost, it’s the culture that set the difference. Like vampire that have uncanny resemblance with Aswang. Both are blood sucker, can’t enter without being invited. Or Genderuwo in Indonesia who bears uncanny resemblance with Rhaksasa in India with typical appearance gigantic, shape-shifter & loves to make love with women under the disguise of their love one. Or Pocong in Indonesia & Kyon shi (jumping around like pocong but categorize as vampire). So, there’s a possibility that we came from one descendant.

3.      Be a chicken it’s OK, sometimes (in order to survive)

In life, we always booing, mocking the guy who runaway but seriously, put our shoe on their role in scary movie & we somehow understand why people run (when they do the opposite people said “Don’t go there bitch, run”). Application in real life, just like my blog bout zombie where in order to survive, sometimes it’s OK to run from problems, especially if U R not the lead character, just leave it to the lead role he he.

4.      Sometimes U just have to accept fate & take it like a man

Sometimes in life shit happens & nothing we can do bout it, just like in scary movie. U could shot the bad guy, impaled him/her, crash him/her to a car then run over him/her. But that wouldn’t change a damn thing. The bad guy will kill U period. So what should we do? Submit to God & hope that the pain won’t last long or the kill will be painless he he. Just like Final Destination, it proves death or God is pain in the @$$% that will not tolerate failure (if U supposed to be dead, U R dead. Period). Resistance is futile.

5.      Be stand-out among the crowd is dangerous (sometimes)

So geek they don’t even bother U

In scary movie, who died first? The outstanding, the stand out character, the hottie, the black guy (without trying to be racist, but it’s the fact nonetheless). What we could learn from this? Sometimes it’s OK to be mediocre, to be normal just like everybody else. Hell!!! Even the survivor usually the misfit or the geek (bet rubble to a dollar that it’s the geek or ugly people that write the script for this type of movie he he). Or maybe normal people / nerdy guy is so common or plain that the killer won’t even bother or out of their killing range ha ha.

6.      The bad guy has all the cool gadget

Ever wonder why the bad guy always has the entire cool gadget to slaughter the

I got chainsaw!! U?

victim? I mean, look at what they got, chainsaw, flame thrower, machete, death-scythe. Or look at Transformer, Decepticon has all the fire-power, even got that giant worm creature. It seems like God favors them more than the good guy & gave them access to all the awesome killing gadget (unless U R Batman or Iron Man he he). Or in life usually the jerks have impressive car while the good guy either using public transport or have shitty car he he. Lesson learned : be bad guy, life will go easy on U & I the brink of your demise, repent, redeem yourself so U go to heaven he he.

7.      Being bad guy makes U near invincible

Die Hard or even Immortal?

U saw it in every movie, U can stab, shot, run over, detonate, etc the bad guy but nothing happens or have any impact, they still come back to life & makes U scream “Why won’t U die mothafucka!!!!” then it will hits U, almost every bad guy is invincible & U don’t have to be The Invincible Iron Man (though jerk attitude like Tony usually a symptom for the bad guy). So, be the bad guy for they are granted & blessed by the kingdom of heaven with their toughness & formidable attitude. Bad guy rules!!! Think about it, besides the survivor role, usually the bad guy shares the same spot as the leading role he he.

8.      Cop is useless

Almost in every movie, calling cop or even any kinds of authority ended in the unhappy result. From the long waiting call machine, annoying stupid/not believe attitude call center, or how come the cop always come to the crime scene after the event over (no wonder why Crime Scene Investigation A.K.A. CSI is such a big hit since the cop is useless & to analyze crime from the scene is more effective & productive than busted the crime scene) no wonder that in our subliminal brain we don’t trust cop, cop is useless. Cop = pigs he he.

9.      Everyman for himself

This is something that U never taught in school or religion that in the end, everyman for himself. When all the chips are down, when all hell break loose, everyman for himself & survival is the primary objective in the kill or be killed situation. Think about it, we born alone (unless U are twin), live alone & die alone, everything else is an illusion. Sure U can sacrifice yourself for other but did U know that they will drink, eat, & dance while all U can do is spinning in your grave?

So, what is the lesson of this useless post? Well, I don’t know, err life is not fair?

Dead but still famous

Yeah, that could be it. I mean, just like scary movie, not every one of us be the lead role that survive the horror (if U lucky, U prevail & kick the bad guy in the groin), most of us probably just some cameo or worse, the victim that paved the bad guy in order to achieve the title legendary (like Texas Chainsaw or something). If U whine 2 God “Why me? It’s not fair!” God would probably reply “Why not”. Life is not fair, deal with it. The least U can do is to enjoy the role, if U just a supporting role, be the best supporting role (there’s an Oscar for that U know) & if U go “out” go with a bang, like Paris Hilton he he.